





教 授

修士 Master of Science in Teaching English (Aston University, UK)"

Textbook and Syllabus Design / e-Learning / Teacher Education

JALT [Japan Association of Language Teachers] / ORTESL [Oregon TESL]




?What Do You Think: 15 Topics for Discussion and Conversation (Nan'un-do Publishing)2023 (4月) [単著]
?Coffee Shop Debates: The Fundamentals of Good Discussion (NAN'UN-DO 2019) [単著]
?Talk To Me [Book 2] Marian Press 2007 [単著]
?Talk To Me [Book 1] LuLu Press 2007 [共著]
?Talk To Me [Oral English 3] Marian Press 2006 [単著]

? The Labeling system: a unique method to help students write better essays in English (札幌大学公開講座 - ~地域に開かれた大学を目指して~ (2021年度札幌大学公開講座講演集)2022 (3月31日) [単著]
?Using a Framing Scheme to Help Teach Expository (Opinion) Writing Opinion Essay Writing 指導のためのフレーミングスキーム 『文化と言語』第82号、札幌大学外国語学部紀要(2015年3月)
?Student Perceptions of Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Needs Analysis, Feedback, and General Attitude Towards CALL 『文化と言語』第77号、札幌大学外国語学部紀要 (2012年12月)
?Comprehension Checking: A Fundamental Skill for Teaching and Learning Vocabulary 『文化と言語』第70号、札幌大学外国語学部紀要 (2009年3月)
?Faculty of Foreign Languages (SU) KIYO - “Online Homework Using a Moodle Platform: An Overview of Rationale and Design” 『文化と言語』札幌大学外国語学部紀要 (2008年12月)
?Faculty of Foreign Languages (SU) KIYO - “Using the Keyword  Mnemonic to Enhance Vocabulary Recall in the Foreign Language Classroom” 『文化と言語』札幌大学外国語学部紀要 (2008年12月)
?Designing a "Workable" English Language Course: Some thoughts in Language Course Development  札幌大学外国語学部紀要『文化と言語』第61号、(2004年10月)
?Classroom Research: The Key To More Effective Material Use and Design For The Language Classroom 札幌大学外国語学部紀要『文化と言語』第61号、(2004年3月)

?May 10, 2014 (TESL CANADA Conference - University of Regina) "Using a Framing Scheme to Teach Expository (Opinion) Writing"
?August 9, 2012 -英語教員免許更新講習講師 (Teacher-training Workshop - Sapporo University)
?February, 2011 (Teacher Symposium - Oregon State University)"Comprehension Checking: Do My Students Really Know That Word?"
?May 31, 2008 (JALT CALL 2008 Conference - Nagoya University of Chamber and Commerce) ? “Designing and Implementing an Online Homework Component to Supplement a Language Textbook”
?September 8, 2008 (TIES Symposium - Sapporo University) - “Using  Moodle to Support Classroom Teaching: Two Case Studies and TIES Integration”
?October 5, 2008 (JALT Third Annual Joint Tokyo Conference - Toyo University) - “ Do My Students Really Know What I’ve Just Taught Them?”
?e-Learning Workshop for Teachers [Sapporo University, August 8th, 2007]

?English Skills III Textbook Self-published 2004 [共著]
?English Skills IV Textbook Self-published 2004 [単著]


?August 5, 2014 ー英語教員免許更新講習講師 (Teacher-training Workshop - Sapporo University)
?August 10, 2013 ー英語教員免許更新講習講師 (Teacher-training Workshop - Sapporo University)
?August 9, 2012 ー英語教員免許更新講習講師 (Teacher-training Workshop - Sapporo University)
?Poetry Reading [Famous Christmas Poems] Sapporo Tokeidai Hall (Dec.) 2007
?Poetry Reading [Famous Christmas Poems] Hokkaido Literature Museum (Dec.) 2006

?Hokusei Gakuen Open University [Adult English Night Class]
